Hogar Apps / YouTube

YouTube APK v19.17.40 Descargar la última versión para Android




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Download YouTube APK – latest version – and enjoy one of the greatest apps of today fully unlocked. Download now!


Before becoming a leading app in the world, YouTube was once a website that mainly provided online dating services, but it was a complete failure. 15 years later, YouTube changed the world and became one of the most influential online video sharing apps globally.
For a long time, Youtube is no longer a little-known video-sharing website. Currently, millions of users around the world have created accounts. This page allows them to upload videos that anyone can see. Every minute of every day, YouTube users upload more than 35 hours of video.

YouTube app detail

This is a video sharing service. Where users can view, like, share, comment and upload their own videos. Video services can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
The Site allows users to upload, view, share, add to playlists, report and comment on videos, subscribe to other users, and use WebM technology. Available content includes video clips, clips from TV shows, music videos, short documentaries, sound recordings, movie trailers, and more, such as video blogs, short creative videos, and educational videos.

The best of youtube

Features Large Screen Interface: If you watch YouTube on a large or touch screen, this interface will be optimized for you.
Double Tap – This is the feature that allows you to double tap when streaming from your phone to your TV. If you're using the latest version of YouTube, you can double-tap to the right or to the side to go back 10 seconds.
Convert Video to GIF: Currently only works for videos where the creator has allowed GIF creation. And while you might think this is just a feature for members. But GIFs are actually more than just memes.
Live streaming: YouTube offers two ways to stream content live on the web: YouTube Live has been around for a few years, and YouTube Gaming launched in 2015.

YouTube app detail

Pros and cons of the youtube app

advantages of youtube

– Youtube is the place to save archives of billions of videos, covering many different genre topics. And thanks to that, users can quickly find what they need with just a few taps.
– With the videos you upload to Youtube you can earn money completely with them if there is an investment.
– Youtube is a place to satisfy everyone's passion for videos.
You can watch Youtube on a variety of different device platforms. From desktop to mobile devices, an Internet connection is required.
- Fast video upload speed. It brings a good user experience during use.
- Service to publish ads on Youtube It also brings benefits not only to Youtube but also to companies and advertisers. But also for all users and content producers, Youtube Partners.

YouTube app detail


youtube cons

Videos are uploaded to youtube more and more, with many diverse genres. Because of this, it is impossible for YouTube to control all uploaded video content. Therefore, videos with bad content are more likely to appear. It affects psychology and social lifestyle etc.
Also partly due to the lack of good control over video content. So the status of videos copying uploaded content is rampant on YouTube. This situation will mean that the interests of original video content producers do not guarantee interaction.

YouTube app detail


The personal information of YouTube accounts is well protected and YouTube videos are very authentic.

On YouTube, investing a lot of money in the image and sound quality of the videos is not the most important factor, at least not a measure of a good product. YouTube has shown that many people can still watch less expensive videos and still be prioritized.
Videos on YouTube don't have to be elaborate and serious productions like what's broadcast on TV, they can be the most authentic.


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